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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I came across a great website

It's a pretty cool site. Musicians donate their used strings & Wear Your Music turns them in to jewelry.

Their story:

In the summer of 2004, designer Hannah Garrison was focused on making jewelry from recycled and found objects. Her island studio was also a gathering place for all kinds of people, especially musicians.  Naturally, she began to pick up the refuse they left, and transform it into art – specifically, guitar string bracelets were born. 

Her initial designs were gifted to and purchased by the girlfriends, wives and families of local musicians. After the initial inventory sold, Garrison moved to Mexico to work for a designer there, and the guitar string bracelet idea lay dormant for a  few years.  Then one day, back in NYC, she stumbled upon a Craigslist ad for someone who did interesting things with guitar strings.  All of her ideas came tumbling back.  Alongside the ex-president and publisher of Relix Magazine, the Wear Your Music concept was born: Bracelets made from guitar strings used and donated by acclaimed musicians with the profits going to the charities of their choosing.
Read more here:  Wear Your Music

They were looking for people to blog about music related topics so I volunteered. My first blog post can be found here:

It's a pretty cool website. You need to check it out!
Find them on instagram & twitter also 

Haiti 2018 - just a playground? Or much more.

This years trip to Haiti was a little different the in the past. First off there were 27 of us so that made for a pretty full house. Secondly instead of building housing we were going to build a play ground at the school. I will be perfectly honest I wasn't too thrilled with this project. Not that the children didn't need this but there are so many other needs that I felt it wasn't important. But, God, of course knew better than I and the end result was blessings all around. 

Do you see those smiles? Too bad you weren't there to hear the laughter and all the fun they were having. It was contagious. 
God's ways are much bigger than anything we can imagine. I should have known he would use a playground for His glory.